Thursday, July 21, 2011

for you out there:

5 things I want to tell  E.X.J.R

-I lived my life normally even before you came, and there's no reason for me not to live it again that way now that you're going to hell!!-

-I hate you, get lost!-

-Thanks for the attempt to break me, but baby you can't, coz you're only making me stronger!-

-my biggest mistake is to fall for you almost completely-

-Yesterday, seeing you makes me smile, today, i could only sigh,
 yesterday, you're voice is music to my ears, today its a noise I want to curse you
 Yesterday I liked you, today I regret knowing you!

That's it! I wish could tell you that, but I just can't, I wish in some small means you'll drop here... that's why I wouldn't keep this private as how I kept secretely those letters i wish I could give you. I know I'm being mean, forgive me if I did, I'm just hurt, if you only knew... Don't worry, i'll get through this... someday, I'll forgive you even though you got no idea how much I hate you now, someday  i'll laugh at my self I came up with such words.... just let me say those, it will at least lessen the hatred in my heart now.. I'm trying to pour them down here so soon I'll be free.

I still wish you happiness, I'm aware I shouldn't put all the blame in you... maybe I was the one to blame.... or maybe the fate. I didn't ask the stars to grant me the impossible, but i never thought you could almost break me so sudden.

Thanks for fooling around with me....for the pretensions, i wonder were all those things you said are lies.... I hope not, that somehow, you'll remember me too, that somehow, i had a space in your heart...

Goodbye now EXJR.

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