Saturday, September 10, 2011

Good luck Jeny X Jeny

jeny’s leaving the  office, yeah just like Arleen, she’s resigning too. That actually lessens the reason why my present company is worth staying. I have no problem with the other people there, though I’m not really comfortable with all of them as well, but I can still handle it… it’s just that I’m so used to Jeny’s presence, I would be sad without her, she’s a good buddy.

Did I just say me not being comfortable with anyone? It’s a fact about me, that there are very few people I feel at ease with. People whom I’m being true to myself, I’m being jolly, loud, corny, I can be what I wanna be, I can share what’s really inside me. And I can be that way with people like Jeny. But don’t mistaken me of being fake to others, I was just saying that I am not comfortable enough to show off. I think I’m weird, and there are hardly any who will understand me.. hehe

I’m being dramatic, I’m pulling away myself from my main topic, sorry jen. Haha. Unlike Arleen, it didn’t take so long before I realize that she’s someone I know I can make friends with. She’s not intimidating. She’s true, she hated being plastic. She’s fun to be with.

What else would I remember of her? Umm, she’s always late! Haha, she’s a bit sensitive, but she can be impulsive too, sometimes she would surprise you by cracking a joke you wouldn’t imagine she would.

Okay, that’s it. I’m talking a lot, I might bore her if I let her read this. She once told me that she wanted to read my blogs, but not those lengthy..  so she’s a lazy head too sometimes.. hehe

Jeny, I’m gonna miss you. I understand your reason for leaving. I hope you’ll find what you’re looking for. I wish you’ll be able to catch a good job, I know you will, just minimize being late ha! Hehe

Good luck to your journey future architect!.. tnx for the friendship! Keep in touch!

'jeny and I' photos

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