Thursday, September 15, 2011

The bowling game made me feel so stupid

i just got home from our bowling game..we are going to compete with the other project site.

we had our try outs a while ago, my first to play too... wahhhh... i couldn't believe my self.. in my ten "frames", that consist of two chances to knock down the pins, so that's 20  times (im sorry i'm not really aware of the mechanics)....... and i went through the canal at 17 times if i remember it well!....... aint that stupid!?

Shame! my team would probably would lose it if i wont improve... i feel so slow and a bit guilty, my team, even my project manager too, told me or instructed me to "do that", "not like this", "relax", "hold it this way", "take your time",... and blah blah... but still, i couldn't make it right! im really a slow learner here..most of us were also first timers, but they're doing fine!  it hurts me, oh my! i feel like, 'hey im not really good at anything!!" hahaha...

the tournament will officially start next week, that's every thursday.... till november...

actually, im so sleepy and tired now.. but it seems that i couldn't sleep peacefully if i wouldn't pour down the thought of being a burden with my team here... hahaha...

I want to quit, but i was chosen to play i have no choice.... and i dont wanna be a loser too...

Good night!

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