Wednesday, September 21, 2011


the weekly staff meeting tomorow is kinda fussing me, surely our PM will boil his nerve when he'll hear the status of reconciliation, we're not moving on!! wahhh..

In our recon today, DLS brought no quantities with her, she said, she was not able to bring the right documents! dah?! did she think I'll buy that alibi?! i wasn't born yesterday... I knew, she has nothing to show

but i feel disapointed with myself too for I didn't even bother to make her feel that it wasn't all right at all.  was it because she's being nice to me? errr.. that could be her way to outwit me... but in some point i understand her too, (her explanations) ..... or i'm just being an angel here.. or I'm just being imprudent.. sometimes being good is being stupid..

another thing, tomorrow is bowling night again! oh no! that wouldn't be a practice game anymore....... wahhhhhhhh..... can i do it this  time? huhuhu... or will i look idiot again?! haha

Goodluck to me!

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