Monday, July 30, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
dear you,
Don’t you dare cry! That jerk doesn’t even deserve those tears! He had hurt you once, and he’s again doing it now… that would be so shame on you if you let him break your heart again! Don’t run after someone who’s not even recognizing your presence, who’s not even aware that his hurting you so bad.. Don’t be his option, he’s a loser… if he comes to you, then let him, just don’t fall, guard your heart, he’s a monster pretending to be an angel!.. he was just using you to cover up his own heartaches, and now that he’s doing fine, he’ll forget about you!.... so don’t let him win over you….
Don’t give a damn to someone who’s not into you! Yes, he’s not into you.. you must open your eyes now! Stop hoping, stop waiting, stop wondering! He doesn’t really like you, he never did!
Asking for proof? Well, he never gave you anything that would make you feel special, he never called you, he only texts and talk to you when he deals with his own broken heart (obviously, panakip butas ka lang!), he never fetch you, he never insisted to walk you home, he always breaks his words, he’s not firm and consistent with what he says, he’s a coward!
And those small sweet things he once did?—those were just part of his fooling around, don’t be so gullible, girl… don’t be so naïve… don’t be so stupid, you have done enough…. Stop expecting, he’s not interested in you, period!
So, what you gonna do now? Nothing! If you can’t fake it, then don’t be so obvious that you are affected, don’t show the world that you are as if losing someone…. In fact , he’s someone not your loss!
You’re gonna be fine… just wear that smile always, be happy, act happy.
Just like what rules girls say…. LOVE ONLY THOSE WHO LOVE YOU.
Sincerely Yours,
Sunday, July 15, 2012
i think I'm humiliating myself, I've been posting so personal things about myself on the web, I should be keeping them for myself only but I chose to expose it.. Sorry Self, anyway, no one really cares I guess, I'm just being paranoid...so i must stop bothering.
its just that i want to extend my messages to a specific person or to whom it may concern, i couldn't tell them straight, so I wanna puzzle their minds... nyahaha, as if! why not? somehow, right?
but the side effect is, i might put down myself in the eyes of the other people who are actually not involve..
i better tell my self this "Hey, nobody really cares!! they don't even care about your existence, so cut that crap now, okay?? got that? stop being paranoid, witch!, so do as what you please to do, if that's your way to transmit your whatevers to somebody (who might not even care) then be it!... if it lighten up your mood, then just let it be... to hell with what people say.."
hahaha.... (nababaliw na ba ako at kasusap ko sarili ko?)... I'm NOT!!
Good night anyaway!
Its already 8pm right now and I’m in another random thoughts.
I think I’m going to have a tonsillitis, I’ve felt it already last night. And today, I just had so many sweets, a starbucks choco chip Frap and a pack of Brownies Unlimited, I just can’t help it, I love em.
I went out today to look for something, a gift maybe for someone. But so unfortunately fortunate that I found myself shopping! Blame that on the On-going sale in SM Manila. Anyway, that’s fine, there’s nothing wrong in giving myself a treat sometimes, right?.. yeah, right.
Anyway, Ramadhan is about to come, I need to calm myself, I need to be fine. I know, it would be hard especially I’m expecting to get hurt—that I should not, actually I’m already hurting, but the worst is about to come… I have a feeling it will, I don’t want it to come, but I need to prepare myself, I must get myself in place… hahaha… (drama nanaman ako, hehe).. enough!!!!
Hey dear diary, I have something I’m not telling you yet, yah I know I should be telling you, in time you’ll know.. hehe, I hope that one will come into reality…. I hope and pray for that.
What else? Maybe that’s all for now. ;)
Here's yours truly at this very moment..
Friday, July 13, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
july 12, 2012
Today is exactly my second year in this company.. yap, I’ve reached this far.. i thought I would only stay here for three months, then six months… I’ve changed my mind to one year, and I thought I would resign last January, then I rescheduled it today! Oh my, I don’t even have a resignation letter yet…. Sigh!
I’m happy and sad as well..
Sunday, July 8, 2012
What's in Facebook today?

(sigh)... so much drama right??? hahaha.... i don't know what's wrong with these people, pouring their broken hearts out on the world wide web..... and its contagious!!! grrr....
anyway, at some point, these are helpful, you'll find out that you're not the only one in this world facing life's undertakings...
and what these people posted, I'm referring to those pictures above are so true!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Cooking Mode
sa bahay lang kasi ako nakakakain neto!! so, as I've said, aside from not knowing how to cook it, crabs are so expensive here! hehe
So hows my first ever crab dish???? hmmmmmm... pwede na!! yes, pwede na for someone who had a very meager talent in cooking! nyahahhaha..
Friday, July 6, 2012
Five things I would want to say to five different people right now
1. I don’t know whether I should feel overwhelmed or insulted with what you been acting.. Of course I know that you don’t intend to make me feel bad, you’re actually trying to lift my confidence up as you indirectly said so. Thank you, it’s just that at some corner of my mind, I am wondering if I am doing things so wrong that you need to push me up. You said, I’m doing great, you’re exaggerating it, that’s why I doubted it… but thank you though, I mean it!
2. I was trying to make things even for us because you once outsmarted me. But at that point I had the chance to do so, my kindness overpowered me. Okay fine! Hands down…
3. I’m sorry if I’m being so careless sometimes, I hope you understand that I am not perfect, that everybody commits mistakes too and I’m no exempted to that.
4. Hey, I don’t want to, but I hate you I do. I’m sorry but I really really hate you right now. I wish I could slap those words to your face! You’re such a damn user, you’re an insensitive lousy fool! But despite everything you’ve done, I’m still on my way to forgiving you, even if you’re not asking for it…. But swear, I’ll never forget!
5. You’ll be fine… never let anyone make you feel bad, no one has the right to do so unless you permits them.. Don’t be insecure, you are beautiful and that’s more than enough! You must not need anyone to cheer you up, you must be independent…. SMILE NOW!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
lots of laugh today!
so, could it mean that when you laugh out loud, then you are happy??? maybe. maybe not.
anyway, I have so much in mind when i was on my way home a while ago.... well, that wasn't surprising, I'm really like that--- thinking whatever I can think, with sense or with not. And I thought of writing them down here but I forgot already, Kenshin Himura surfaced in my oceans of thought. hahaha... I'm not done yet watching the Samurai X series, I couldn't get enough of it, I had a copy of it so I could watch it here... and I wish he's existing... I want him!!! His philosophy about life is so great I would want him give me some lifting words of wisdom. hehe
Anyway... back to me laughing out loud today! actually it scares me sometimes that jolly moments awaits a crying time .. hahahah.. I hope not, especially that I am expecting a bad tomorrow.....
I'll keep you in touch my diary! good night anyway!
Monday, July 2, 2012
How many LAST LETTER shall I make to get over it?? hahaha
"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I wish I won’t see you forever, if only I could erase you in my system, then I should have done that long time ago.. Now, I hate myself for being so defenseless, how could you??! I don’t deserve be hurt by you.. that’s why I won’t let you.. no more stupid songs for you, no I will never shed a tear for you, never again! I was stupid I know, but its over now! Get lost!!!"
--the mad side of me—
"Woah! That’s so mad of me.. hehe.. actually I don’t want to write those things, that’s humiliating, but I can’t help myself… I’m sorry I freaked out, I’m only releasing what’s inside me right now before it burst out to tears, but as I’ve said, no more tears for you.. and I’ll be fine, don’t worry, oh, I don’t think you give a damn to worry."
" Anyway, I’ve already screamed out my anger. And to whom that letter is concern, don’t listen to my mad self.. Maybe it wasn’t really your fault, I didn’t get rid of you after you’ve hurt me once, i just want to spend few moments with you because sooner or later we will part ways. And you know what, you’re just one of the reason why I am staying. See? I can be blame too, coz I let stupid things to happen, I let myself fall, and this is the consequence I’m facing. I was just too foolish believing somehow I mean to you when I’m really not. I thought I have guarded my heart firmly, but I was wrong. "
"But despite this , I know I’m gonna be alright. I tolerated this, so I'll be on my own fix it.. For sure I can!"
--the trying-to-be-calm side of me--
Sunday, July 1, 2012
^__^ -- at 1st day of July
July 1! I don’t know why I’m being baffled with this day, could it be because it’s nearing August?? And that’s my birth month…. Whatever! Maybe I should look for Peter Pan and ask him to take me to Neverlands… and I do believe in fairies… hehe
So, where was I today? Well, I spent the whole morning in my room… I had a Samurai X marathon, I just loved it! I love Kenjin Himura…
and in the afternoon, my brother and I went to Glorietta to watch the Spiderman… Honestly, I was bored with it, so many dull moments.. I still go for Tobey Maguire!
And I’ve met an old friend too, Rohannie.
This is how yours truly looked like today..
And this my brother asking me to take his picture at this very spot—Makati Ave., in front of Ayala Museum.
So, that’s it..
Good night for now!
hello July!
What???! It’s july and I’m still stuck…
Bakit ganon? Oras lang yung mabilis, hindi ang mga pangyayari… I’m not supposed to be here right now..
Hello July anyway!