Sunday, October 12, 2014



Yes! It's my first time to get my feet at Enchanted Kingdom... We've cancelled too many plans of getting there. Thanks to our Company's Family Day, it came true.

Though most of my close friends and officemates didn't come, I can still say I had a great time.

Feeling like a child again.. enjoyed taking these rides: Swan Lake, Flying Fiesta, bump car, roller coaster, Rio grande Rapids, Wheel of Fate, 3d Ride and played games (but won nothing).. 

But Space Shuttle was so tempting.. I told.myself I'm gonna take that ride (before I die hehe) and face what is feared by me and almost everyone.. but none of my girl friends would want to take it.. some of them have tried it before but sworn they wont do it again.. it almost killed them.. haha (I'm exaggerated though)..  

But I'm close to getting there... these two male friends dared me and willing to accompany me.. But paranoid that I would throw up because we just had our lunch, I told them I'll come back... but maybe I was enjoying other rides I haven't read their messages... 

when I got back it's already raining..  so I failed for now.. someday I will. Hehe


The happiest? Torn between these two: 1st, Feeling like you're flying, you're free, you're getting close to the sky, you're feet almost touched the tree leaves and screaming for no reason while riding the Flying Fiesta or the 2nd, at the bus watching the rain drops and flowing at the glass window, gloomy and heavy rain outside, I've said these for nth times, the rain seems to be heartbreaking but its still beautiful to me... they're like my alliance.. hehe..

Good night!

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