Monday, October 6, 2014

Random thoughts on the the 6th of October

Just having some thoughts... when did I ever run out of thoughts anyway? The only question is how sensible those are or not...  Yeah.. If only the exact words I was composing in my mind earlier while I'm doing my grocery be automaticaly written here then that would be easy... Now, I don't know what to's a little late but I don't know what to write but I have so much in my heart.

Sometimes I wish I could be a real writer... A blogger, but I know I can't,  I wish i could help others too.. I could inspire them.. But I'm too personal.. I write mostly when I'm upset, when i'm having a wishful thinking, when I'm heartbroken, or when i'm exagerrately happy which don't usually happens.. Haha... All I can say is that i'm just being true when I write... I pour what's in my heart.. Though I have to laugh at them when i could recover.. I know I say a lot of these... But i think writing is something i truly love to do.... It just don't love me back I guess. Haha..

I'm still wondering why I don't really have too many friends... Could it be because, i dont needed too many? Or because I am bad and mean.? Am I? Haha

Obviously i'm being random today... Didn't do too much.. Uploaded pictures on my facebook account  about our trip yesterday in Corregidor. While doing that... Its like, i was telling myself , who cares about your pictures...? Then i would aswer myself with... Exactly! Who care's about it, why would care about them anyway, just post whatever you wan!? Haha.. Sounds crazy huh? Haha

Now,  i'm truly sleepy... Good night

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