Saturday, October 25, 2014

Today's Most Upset Girl


Feeling like was the most upset girl today... its like things didn't fall into place. So much to work on but had a meeting in head office (you know how I hated having meetings there.. haha), discussed  the inclusions on the next cost report (i'm too busy, add that one then I'm dead again),  went really hungry because we had a late lunch, i'm not supposed to go back at the site when they texted me that they the needed the fleet card, its in my drawer, enraged and pestered, i told mac that if only he took care of the duplicate key I gave him then I dont have to go back, anyway, got no choice but had my upset self back at site office.

Then on my way, something went humiliating, i had my period and i dont have to elaborate what had happened exactly (its a girl personal.thing), then when I reached the office, got new papers and documents.on my table... just rolled my big eyes then left... that's why I am the most upset girl today.

Despite of the things mentioned above, something felt nice too. Mela, margaux and rose waited for me...glad to know there are still people who care and willing to wait for me... though I actually ruined the plan of going somewhere because I arrived late and had to buy a new jeans because I'm a little "messy"..

This message from my resigned QS made me smile too.. he is in Saudi now..some people could just forget about the mess they left behind thinking why would they care?? Who I am to him? I'm no longer his supervisor, so why take effort and bother right?? I'm so moved that he didn't abandon things that way. GOD BLESS HIM.

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