Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Just some drama before I sleep:

No one see's your drama, no one feels it... life is not a movie as what i always tell you, not like everyone would sympathize at you.. that they would wish you'll gonna make it... when you cry your heart out there, no one would say , stop it, no one would tell everything's gonna be alright... you have yourself when everybody would turn their back on you... when they get tired of you, when people break their promises, you shouldn't blame them, you shouldn't put all of your trust in the very first place anyway.. I don't mean to say you should be sad about life... but its okay if you're lonely now, if you're alone, you must... you should learn being just by yourself, everybody would leave you in the end... i don't intend to put you down, i want you to be happy, swear i really do... but i want that happiness comes from your deepest... not from anyone... coz if you do and they'll forget you, you'll be miserable again... forgive the people who couldn't give you what you want, they have their own life and its not yours to control.. i dont want to stop you from loving the people you love... but if they don't need your love, just keep it inside your heart... just love them from afar, someday it will be gone, time heals... i want you to be strong, i want you to be brave.. i want you to listen to me... coz when when you have no one, you got me.

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