Friday, April 11, 2014

I can't sleep!

I'm all set to dreamland but I'm a bit feeling pissed off! And I can't sleep well! Today's been hectic but that's not what disturbing me.. I was handling things at place earlier this day, I was late for work, I overslept, I lost my important files in my computer I had to call our I.T, and he fixed it anyway... My boss didn't sign and questioned one of our purchase request and startled me to get my report done.... but that didn't ruin my day... and i was amazed that I was feeling fine despite everything... not until later this afternoon... I was a bit annoyed with my officemates for reason i should not tell.. yeah, it was actually nothing, its no big deal... but I hated it...  Indeed, words are weightless but it could bring a load of disappointment.. sometimes, your enemies' sharp words couldn't bring you down, but your friend's could.. I know I shouldn't be thinking about it... and I'll stop thinking about it..

Some things are just needed to be accepted.. and it will set us free...

I'm better now I could sleep.


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