Sunday, April 13, 2014

Just Another Ordinary Sunday

How was your  Sunday?

I've been extra lazy today though I cooked something for breakfast this morning..  I spent my time just playing that game I was playing last night, watched videos on the YouTube...

Mr. Assimo of Bubble Gang had made me laugh out loud today..

I even had a quick watched of the korean movie "the beast and the beauty"  I've watched it already before... that's why I ended up sleeping while its still rolling on my phone..

Watched music videos and Taylor Swift's "Ours" had caught my attention... I'm not really her fan.. but since I found her video funny and cute, i posted it in my facebook account.
Watched Meteor Garden again... then a friend interrupted it, had a good laugh chatting with him, I don't know if he's serious about the things he told me.. maybe he's really not, but he's funny anyway..

Then another friend asked me out for dinner... I hesitated at first because I'm too lazy to get myself fixed... but because I have nothing to eat for dinner, so I go... so here's a selfie of me today... haha... (not again)

Good night!

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