Thursday, April 3, 2014

What do you write about?

I don't know what I'm about to write or if the title would fit in... this would going to be just so random... and maybe another drama... what would you expect? I'm a drama princess!

I've been writing all my life.. From that childish short stories I wrote when I was at my elementary days, the corny poems I started doing in my highschool up to that countless diaries I had in college... I wonder where are those.. the last time I went home, its no longer there where I left them.. maybe my sister burned them after reading and criticized them-- that I assumed.. Then I have my multiply blogsite that unfortunately got eradicated.. and this one, my blogger..  sometimes I would be long gone.. then get active then get lost again..

I let few trusted people read my works. And my blogger, I don't think somebody's really reading this.. some  would think, this is just a nonsense link, that's why I don't really bother if I humiliate myself sometimes.. hehe

I'm not a good writer.. I just write whatever comes out.. I had so much of wrong grammars, misspelled words, absurd topics and insignificant thoughts.. who would enjoy reading such works?! Haha.. and its easier for me to write if I'm feeling sad and I have no one to talk to.. I used to play with words, but then I realized that what matters is whats in my heart.. when I'm down, writing is like pouring my assorted thoughts into the ocean and let the waves take them to where it should be... breath out! And as what I've read somewhere, tears need to be written and that's what  I do most of the times..

I write not because I have something to show.. I have something to endorse, something to be arrogant about, I actually have nothing, I even downgrade myself sometimes. 

Many people write for countless reasons.. and mine is too personal.. but it makes me feel fine.

I write because its my only way to speak out my unvoiced words.. there are few people who would understand that .. or maybe there's really no one!

That's it! And I'm okay.. maybe you'll think I'm crazy again.. maybe I am.. but doing this is comforting... like you talk a lot your blah blah blah and  no one complains!


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