Sunday, April 27, 2014

I'll Tell Myself, I'm Gonna Be Okay

I've been feeling upset the whole day.. I've been worried, uncomfortable and a bit anxious.

I miss my mom and my brothers who just got here in Manila for about a week, aside from visiting  me and my other brother, they were here for some transactions... But they left yesterday.

Now it's been so silent here.. This small room seems so wide.. that one week they've been here was one of my best days, we were so noisy, we laugh out loud, I told and show them how we live our life here, we tease each other as if we are still those little kids before, I could even want to complain that we are overcrowding the room... but now I missed them already. I hope they are doing fine and safe on travel.. they're still on the road or on the barge by now..

They took the plane in getting here and chose to take the way home by land... Maybe that almost 3 days of travel is a bit exhausting but I know there is fun in it.. Its like you are  marveling the Philippines in just 3 days! From Manila to Davao! I'm supposed to feel envious, I am! I wanted to try it, never mind my motion sickness.

But there are problems today, there are things that's making feel disappointed, my dear diary, don't ask me to detail everything, I feel sad really..

Now, I'm gonna tell myself that what's bothering me now will pass... everything would gonna alright...

I'll be just fine..

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