Friday, April 4, 2014

I think I'm crazy!!

I've mentioned this on one of my past blogs, that when you find your self smiling alone.... you must really mean it.. it could be the truest smile of all....  or worst, you must be crazy... So maybe I am! Haha

Have you ever experienced that moment you are riding in a public  jeepney and you'll remember something that could make you smile... then you'll caught your self smiling in front of the other passengers! Then you'll hear yourself say.. "ui, para kang tanga!" Yah, I'm stupid! Hahaha

Or when you're in a middle of busy office mode, you'll have a break and pause... then behind that exhaustion you could break a smile! So there are still reasons for me to smile.. I'm glad.

Anyway, as of the moment, i have lots of smile today.. I don't know... there are just moments like this.. you feel lively and cheerful.. whatever the reason is or if there is no reason at all... I thank God for this day.

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