Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I'm supposed to be busy today, but look what I was doing during work... writing this in a scratch paper..  wala lang, I dont wanna work. Hehe... just words left unsaid, or maybe it should be better that way, unsaid... what am I gonna do with it?? Wala.. put it in a bottle, throw it in the sea, (message in a bottle lang ang peg), or burn it, maybe it could reach heaven, hahaha.. ang baduy ko talaga!!

Tapos uwian na.. tambay sa staffhouse nila lee, I know I must not enter at male's quarters, kaso ang tagal magprepare ni lee, pinapatuloy nya ako... wahaha.. secret lang to.. bawal to.. this photo was sometime last week.

Tapos dinner at Red Kimono with Lee and Marj... Don't want to post a picture of me today.. i looked terrible.. haha.. I know looked like that all the time.. haha.. mas worst lang today.

Read an article about causes of early morning awakenings.... I wanna know the reason bat ang aga aga kong nagigising... I know when I'm having a deep and nice sleep when my alarm clock is responsible for my waking up... pero this few weeks was horrible (horrible pang nalalaman.). I wish I'm still normal... normal nga ba ako? Haha

I love this article posted by friend.

Tapos na! Ganon lang.. ang boring noh? Hehe..

Good night! Be well.. 

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