Sunday, September 14, 2014



Spending my Sunday at my friend's place.. she cooked arrozcaldo and I loved it... but I hate my pimples.. obviously invading my face! Haha
I love her mirror too.. wahaha

Phone calls with my mom and my sister.... add that one from A.

Had our hair fixed... and I think that was wrong timing because it took like forever... it was late and raining when its done..

Chicken soup
Story 5: Paint away the past and look forward on  a beautiful future
Story 6: I'm lucky to have my parents.
Story 7: Everyday might not be good but there's something good in everyday

I am thinking of a new format for my daily blog.. like I have to fill up... activities, target for the day, lesson of the day, what made me happiest that day, reminders to self, words unsaid for anyone and letters to my soulmate! Hahaha.. but isn't that too long??? Let's give it a try... but for now, that would be all! Good night!

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