Tuesday, September 9, 2014

I'm 30 and 1 month old

It's been a month since I started feeling this way, I don't wanna write about how uncontrollably feeling bad I am.. middle life's crisis and the feeling of being not worth of anything??? Have you felt that?  I know this is not the right attitude.. Just give me this time, it will just past-- someone told me that... but i hope it will, so soon....

When you care about few people and  when one of them would just make you feel that you are less important... its truly a sad thing... I don't usually ask and expect too much to anyone, you know I'm not that kind of person, Sometimes all i need is just a second. I always take things all by myself. I don't care much about people who don't care about me, but, now its a different thing.. I guess I'm becoming someone I'm not and I must not... I've realized that it hurts more when some people actually didn't mean to hurt you rather than those who's trying to break you down intentionally -- because you know you wouldn't let them... I know inevitable things should be accepted, I must remember that when people hated you, that's also inevitable and I couldn't do anything about it.

I'm sorry blogger for being negative.. I wish I could stop writing about my annoying drama, but things like this should be just between me and myself, I can't let anyone know, they wont understand and if they could, they will only feel bad, thank you too.. and to myself, I'm sorry too, I'm having a hard time taking care of you this past few days.... I'm really sorry, you'll be just fine... have a nice day! Fake it if you can't!

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