Sunday, September 7, 2014

Quotes of the Day

Reading a lot of blogs or quotes are my diversion when I'm upset or bored... it helps me realize that I'm not the only one.. Here are my favorites, random and might contradict each other.

Though I wanted this, someone will always pull you down. And i must not let them.

Yep! That's why I love the sky!

Sometimes, someone to talk to is enough. I thank my few good friends.

Sad! But I don't need to be saved. 


Damn why???!

I told you it's okay..  when you couldn't stop yourself, just let it be... sometimes I was more mad at my self rather than the person involve because I couldn't control myself... anyway, you'll be tired before you know it.. 

So true!! I'm just fooling my self believing there has to be reason from their silence. I should have realized that long time ago... the truth is you don't  mean a thing to them, they're just too coward to tell you.. haha..does it hurts? bitter?! I know.. 


Some things really takes time...  if you can't work it out... just wait patiently.

This one sucks but it hits me somehow.

Exactly... why can't others realize this.. or maybe I'm just deaf, yah I think, I wasn't listening.. haha

I wish I could.haha

Sorry for the f word.. but i'm just wondering why some people say things they don't mean... or maybe they were just joking, I'm just so slow to know.. haha... it makes me think if I'd  ever say things I didn't mean to anyone to deserve this.

Some say.. no regrets, just lessons. Honestly, I have so much regrets in my life but I don't really think about it... I would regret about the things I've said or I have not... but if things had made me happy for just a short moment in time, I never regret that.

This one just made me laugh.. reading the first two made me feel relieved but reading the 3rd one , it made me say like.. o, I'm more critical! Hahaha...

Revenge for what?

I love this.. lets just be grateful.


Am I amazing??? Haha

You know how much I love the rain.

So I'm still strong

I think I was loved and have loved this way.

Never play with anyone's mind.


I must absorb this.

I will.

So help me God. (Forgive me for the foul words).

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