Tuesday, March 4, 2014


My prayer:

Dear God,

Keep my family safe and healthy.. I wish I don't disappoint them.

May my sins be forgiven. May You hear my prayers and what my heart says though I may not technically able to perform the proper way to worship you completely. Please forgive me. If in the future I'll commit sins, may You still forgive me.. I'm only human but I'll do what I can do.. May my sins be charged to me alone.. I have a good parents who raised me well, my mistakes are just due to me.

Thank You for guiding me. For keeping me safe. For giving me the obstacles that I could carry.

Please shower me Your blessings, wisdom, courage and confidence. Show me the right path.

I know what's right from wrong, just make me understand that even the right things are not what always makes me happy, but it should be done.

Give me courage to change the things that I could and accept what I can't... also give me that peace of mind to know their difference.

Thank You for the different people You introduced me. To those who loved me and care about me sincerely, those who pretended that they love me, those who were just there because they need me, those who have hurt me, those who made me feel down..... I could still thank You, I know You just want me grow and be a better person. Keep those people I love closer to me, even they are not around, I hope they wont forget me, I hope they're doing great...  For those who don't bother about my existence, its okay, You don't have to take them away, they will always be there no matter what.. just let me keep my composure handling them. Make me understand them and if I can't, make me patient. I know I couldn't please anyone, and I don't even bother... I should not, please let me not.

Please show me the things that I should hold on or what to give up. Help me decide on things that are blurry to me.. and if I make mistakes, clear my mind...and make me not to regret too much. Please?

Please lift my spirit high when I'm feeling hopeless and tired.. Please make me feel that I'm not the only person struggling at life hindrances..

May I find forgiveness at my deepest to those people who caused me pain.. I'm forgiving anyone at the moment, I don't hate anyone. Those who mistreated me have their reasons, I should understand.. May I also be forgiven if I had hurt anyone.. I should forgive myself as well.

Make my mind at peace, let me not think too much. Let me not worry about the things that's beyond my control.

I pray for that courage to do what I love to do, to fight what is worth fighting, to know the value of my existence, to be someone valuable to other people..

P.S. I still have one prayer but its okay if you wont grant this one..This is something I never prayed for but now I will.. I pray for that love of my life 😊.. if he comes along, please make me feel that he's the one, I have bad instinct on that.. but if You're not giving him to me, I'll be fine, I know You have your reasons.... As long as I have my family and friends, I'm handling my life well...

May I have a goodnight sleep tonight.. and if tomorrow  I wont wake up, I pray for my sins be forgiven... May the people I love would feel that I love them.

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