Monday, March 24, 2014

I'm Grateful

It was raining outside.. I was on my way to pick up my laundry when I passed by at the old man, a beggar at the corner of the street.. I hope the small amount of money could help him I gave him... but I couldn't help my heart from breaking.. I pity him.. He must be starving and cold, considering he's really old...  I wonder if his doing it for his family or if he has a family, i don't know.

If I'm feeling ungrateful... those kind of people is reminding me not to... how can I complain about my life flaw's when there are people who couldn't eat when they are starving, no shelter to keep them safe, people who would risk their lives in order to survive, people who would suffer of sickness but couldn't buy medicine, people who don't belong to a family, people who don't have a job, people who be happy when you give them something they could never had....

Now how could I complain.... "ako, problema ko lang hindi ako sigurado kung masaya ako sa trabaho ko, ang pangit ng buhok, hindi ko alam anong kakainin ko, hindi ako nakapagpabook ng flights sa mga lugar na gusto kong puntahan, hindi ako mahal ng taong mahal ko (lagi na lang ganon yung case ko), hindi ko alam bat di ako tumataba, ayaw mawala ng pimple marks ko," ... mga ganong level lang ng problema...

Don't misinterpret me, I don't mean here that I should also be like them, that if they are suffering then I should too, maybe my problems are problems too... and I could strive harder for the things that could make me happy.. I just wanna convince my self that despite my life's imperfectness, I still have many reasons to be thankful...

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