Monday, March 17, 2014

Good morning my Monday Morning Sickness!

I slept late and woke up early... I mean I couldn't sleep back.. its my Monday morning sickness...

I posted this on my Instagram last night and posted it too in my facebook.

I thought the moon was extra beautiful last night.. but this morning as reading back the caption I wrote, I  realized that I'm being hopeless romantic and pathetic again... yes I am,  but maybe I don't have to humiliate my self in public.. hahaha.. so I customized it to Private in my FB, but i have to keep it in my Instagram since there's no customize settings there, but its okay I have limited friends there.

Well, so who am I talking to? I don't know, maybe someone out there is doing the same thing, someone I haven't met yet or someone just so far... or someone who cares --- that by looking at the same moon at the night sky could get us connected... see, how pathetic I am?! Haha...

But I when I woke up this morning, I realized that I was such a fool... that nobody thinks the way I think...  sometimes I just have to sleep my insanity... so when I wake up, i would realize that I was dreaming even before I sleep.

That's all.. I'll be late for work if I keep doing this.

Good morning!

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