Sunday, March 30, 2014

20 Thoughts for the Day

1. -- Not that you're being selfish, you just need to teach them lessons.. you don't have to give everything to a friend, you shouldn't make them depend on you too much.

2. -- its not always what you see is what you get..

3. -- Life is too short to figure out whether you're happy or not.. Thinking too much is a waste of time, it deprives you from appreciating life's simple pleasures.

4. -- you may care but if they don't, then don't, but if you can't stop caring, just wait till it fades..

5. --some people would give you reasons you know they didn't mean to.. they just say it so they wont hurt you.. but you're not dumb... be patient in dealing with different people.

6. -- you can only control what you think, but never what you feel.

7. -- you don't have to be liked and appreciated by everyone.. you don't need to be nice to all.. People will judge you anyway... Just be yourself, that's enough.

8. --things maybe unclear for now, someday you'll realize that everything happens for a reason.

9. --you can't have everything.

10. -- never compare yourself to others.. everyone is unique and blessed in different way.

11. -- you shouldn't force anyone to do anything again'st their will just to please you.

12. -- sometimes, its not about pride, its self respect.

13. -- if you feel you are being avoided by some people, never disturb them again.

14. -- simple rules to happiness: free your heart from hatred, set your mind free from worries, live simply, give more, expect less

15. -- if it mean't for you, then its meant for you, if not, then let it go.

16. -- Trust the person who sees sorrow behind your smile, the love you keep behind your anger and the reason behind your silence.

17. -- what people think about you doesn't matter.

18. -- When you love someone, you don't stop, you never fall out, unless it wasn't real, you just change the way you show it because you need to...  like when they don't love you back, don't bother them.

19. -- Never bother exerting too much effort in explaining your self, your friends wont need it, they'll believe in you, those who dislike you will never will.. and some people only believe what they wanna hear.

20. -- Forget your misfortunes, count your blessings. PRAY always and be grateful.

Some of these lines just came out from my own thoughts, some I read and heard somewhere.....

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