Sunday, March 9, 2014

The One Day Challenge Blog

Maybe I'm trying to test myself if I'll follow things according to my plans.. This is just a one day plan and its even my routine on every boring Sunday... but due to my idleness, sometimes I don't do anything, sometimes I realized that I forgot to do "this and that" when I'm about to sleep at night... So, this morning, I wrote the things that I should do today... 

And here's the outcome.

I said I should not eat breakfast outside, instead I have to cook my own rice and 3 dishes! I'm  contented with one dish kaso baka maspoil lang at maexpire sa ref yung ibang ulam.. I'm supposed to cook last night kaso tinamad ako... tadan!! Mukhang sinunog ko nanaman. Haha.. pero infairness nakakain naman sila.. so check!

Saved photos and print some of it.. I was thinking about this long time ago and finally I did it!

 Say Hi to 3 people you don't usually say hi to! I said hi thru facebook to Jack, my highschool classmate, I don't even remember the last time we had  chat. I said hi to Rene! A person I don't say hi to..  and to that girl at starbuck's counter when I ordered coffee! Check!!

I washed my Uniform.. also the frying pan at kung anu ano pa! Check!

I sent my other dirty clothes to the laundry shop and claimed the bunch I sent there last Sunday. Check!

I cleaned the room, I fixed my closet, I changed my bedding! Check! (Parang masipag lang! Haha)

Take 3 photos of you today at different time! 1st photo, just after I cooked this morning almost 11 am... haggard.. haha! Second photo, at Mango Robinson Manila around 3pm, I bought the jeans but not the blouse, 3rd photo, when I arrived home about past 5pm. Check! (Because I feel like I 'm growing old so fast, I need to take a lot of picture of myself that  I might not look like this tomorrow... This maybe narcissism... hehe..)

Then drink your milk challenge! Just like last night I need to take this! I'm really having a hard time consuming it... but still check!

And finally to post this! Yey! I made it... haha.. this was just a very simple challenge but it feels great when you accomplished them.. and its more effective when you write them down coz if you don't there's a tendency that you cheat... take it from me! Hehe..

So this is the life of someone in the middle of nowhere... not home, not at the place she thinks she should be..... someone who's trying to stand on her own....

Good night now!

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