Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday pa rin

Woke up about 9am..

Brunch out with my brother..

Grocery at the newly open Save More nearby.. that's my bro paying the bill.

Me and my bro at Ymessenger chatting with our sis.

Cooked for dinner...

Lots of foods, I'm so stuffed now.

Sleep now. Need to wake up at around 3am later.

Good night!


Observing Ramadhan here in Manila is not so easy, being away from your family, from the people, customs and ways that would remind you of this Holy Month, but still I set my self in performing it. I submit my self in sacrificing, to renew myself, to forgive and be forgiven.

From the bottom of my heart I’ll say Ramadhan Kareem.


So I’m really growing old, I’m learning different people’s ways. Some are good, some are not. Some remain, others just come and go. Some would break you, some would love you. Some would treasure you, some would only use you. Some would consider your feelings, other would hurt you whether unintentionally or just enjoying by seeing you bleeding.

Do you ever wonder what kind of person are you? Are you the antagonist or the protagonist? Are you the hero, the servant, the lost one, the weakling, the stronger or uninvolved of everything? When in time you'll know what kind you are, do you intend to do something about it?

I’ve met different people, and sometimes I don’t know, what’s really good about being devilish. I’m not bragging here, I’m no saint too, I’m not an angel, I’m not perfect, in my mind I curse too sometimes, yah, I’m being bad too, but i know of course when to tap my self coz i'm reaching the brink.

Some people gave me the impression of being the good girl, they were wrong, I’m only human. And I do agree that no human is perfectly good. But don’t misinterpret me, I’m still goodhearted, I’m just saying that I’m a bit wicked too sometimes,  I thought I’m despicable too.. Shall I ask forgiveness to that? But my case, is not that worst… I know.

So why am I saying these? Because I’m finding myself being part of or surrounded by mean people(not all). I’m not sure if this someone I know is having fun in hurting me, but I wont let that person outsmarts me, maybe I’m paranoid. Maybe I’ve hurt them too, I’m just not aware, so maybe I deserved to get hurt too. Whatever that be, I’m still on set guarding my self.

They said; love your enemies, if you cannot, then love your self. If we keep bothering ourselves thinking about people we hate, then we are giving them power over us, power over our sweet sleeps, appetites, health and happiness. And if only they knew that their presence lacerates us, they’ll probably dance with joy. I know our hate wouldn’t hurt them back, instead the possibility of our days turn into hellish turmoil will strike us.

Anyway, I want to tell myself not to give a single minute thinking of those unwanted people in my life! And, I forgive them.


I was scanning my old phone when I found these pictures :

Ang maingay at mailap na pusa sa SNG Dormitory- MSU-main

I named this Miming ni Lorenz (sir lorenzo), I saw it near College of IT- MSU main, where in Sir Lorenzo (na crush ko hehe) was the Dean that time.

12/20/ 2007                      02/17/2008
Si Marimar, my cousin'n pet.

June 2008

grey grey and whitey.... namumugto yung mata ko sa picture above because I lost whitey that time.

Ang ligaw na pusa sa bahay

No date
May counsins'

eto? ewan ko.. diko na maalala.. hehe

October 2009
That's Ondoy. My father found him in our shop dala ng bagyong Ondoy.

Yeah, obviously, I love kittens! My heart breaks seeing one being lost.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Today, one of my seniors had started endorsing her works to me... Wahhhh, it would be hard I know but there's no room for giving up, in a month from now she'll be in a maternity leave, so I'll be in charge with her usual tasks.

Today, i hated EXJR! yeah still.

Today, I met an old friend at SM-MOA, had a great time.

Today, I fell inlove with the fireworks.... amazing!

Today, I literally walked into the rain.. I lost my 2 day old umbrella.. somebody stole it! damn.

Today, I received a call from home, I missed them.

Today, a friend texted me, telling me my X-crush confessed his love to her, O my, I broke my heart again! hahahaha... am i meant to be broken forever? haha.. just kidding, I'll be happy for them, honest!

Today is Saturday and I love this day!

Friday, July 29, 2011




maybe I missed Trinoma Mall that made me decide to visit it this afternoon after work... or maybe I'm afraid I cant take off the MRT at Guadalupe Station (my route home) coz its friday. meaning it will surely be overloaded I couldn't get out. haha.... And since North Avenue / Trinoma is the last station, then it would be easier.

I could get home anyway without taking the MRT, gusto ko lang sumabay kina Jeny and Madam Marge kaya I took that route which is actualy mas mapapalayo ako..

I think the last time I had myself strolling around in Trinoma was last year, if I remember it right, that's  during the Project Management Seminar days held in our Head Office-- in Mindanao Ave, QC., where in i need to take one jeepney ride from Trinoma.

So, that's it!.. I had a dull day at office today, dont ask me why, im just so tired to detail it here.

Had dinner at Kangaroo Jack-SM North (just across trinoma) with jeny, then we part ways. I went back to trinoma, tried shopping but ended up wth nothing and now I'm home, so sleepy!!

Good night!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


if only I've came up with a decision of watching the Incubus concert, then maybe I am screaming myself now there at Araneta Coliseum.

Anyway, I just got home. Why this late? I was caught in a traffic jam, dinner at chowking and leave the office about 7pm.

I'm supposed to get my self out of my workplace quarter after five but the rain poured heavliy, so i went back to my table and finished the movie I started watching during the lunch break..  its 500 Days of Summer.

its another nice romantic comedy but i can't say it would be listed to my hall of favorite movies ever (actually i dont really have a list) dont get me wrong, it didn't fail to amuse me. there were lines there I thought I could relate, o not exactly... I feel like telling someone too this "I really do hope you're happy", hypocrite me! someday, not now.. hehe

And i'm wondering if I am also this: "I just, don’t feel comfortable being anyone’s girlfriend. I don’t actually feel comfortable being anyone’s anything". or this "Ok. I, like being on my own. I think relationships are messy and people’s feelings get hurt. Who needs it?"

Oh, cut this out Ash! hehe..

Back to reality! I finished the movie almost 7pm, my friend Jeny is still working on the minutes of our meeting last friday, we need that tomorrow. I should wait for her to get done, but I'm starving and I'm supposed to do some not-so-important matters right now.. (hehe) so, i left her there, guilty on that, anyway Mac and the Operation Team were still there.. hehe

Oh, did I just say meeting and tomorrow is friday? that means I must be sleeping now, coz I need to be in our project site as early as 6:45 to attend the 'toolbox' as they call it, so I wont get suspended... Anyway, its okay to be suspended once in your life... break the rules sometimes Ash! hahaha

Good night!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


oo, tama, masaya ako ngayon, hindi ko alam kung bakit... Kahit masama ang panahon, kahit pa tuluyan nang nasira ang payong ko na basta ko na lang tinapon sa unang basurahan na nakita ko sa glorietta, kahit pa bawas nanaman ang pera ko makabili lang ng plane ticket, kahit pa nahirapan akong pumili ng bagong payong, kahit pa nabuhusan ng sinigang ang damit ko at umuwing amoy bangus--salamat sa ulan, kahit pa nakakairita ang kapit bahay ko, kahit pa medyo masama ang loob ko....... masaya lang ako! bakit kaya?? hindi ko rin alam.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

when you're sleepy but you just can't sleep

i can't think of any appropriate title for this, I just wanted to talk, i mean write... right now.

i'm actually half awake while doing this, my eyes about to fall, but I dont want to sleep yet. I was rolling back my entries here, reading them all over again. Some posts made me smile, laughed at my mistakes, my wrong grammars, mispelled words, and even those emotions and complains i thought i wouldn't get through of. Finally, I decided to unlock those posts i had moved on already... See? just jot down you're worries and soon you'll laugh at it..

latety, I've been pasting here nerve wracking and disheartening blah blah blah's of mine, but for now i can't keep it exposed, someday I will, when I'm over it.. hehe

now.. how was my day?? i dont know... all i'm aware of is, its a rainy day!

Good night!

Monday, July 25, 2011


I said last night, i hate today will come, coz I hate monday...

But actually, i had a good day, though nothing especial happened, i'm just feeling better than I thought I could.... its all in the mind, i know.

I deleted my status in facebook that states this:  I'M RUNNING OUT OF REASON TO STAY... HAHA, because my officemates are over reacting, or maybe its me, not them.. hehe

then just while ago, i post this : AND I HAVE NO REASON TO LEAVE EITHER! WAHAHA...
but i didn't keep it on air for long, so I erased it as well.

Anyway... I'm sleepy now.

Good night!

PS: I deleted those status, but i had it here in my multiply.. haha..

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Just like what you used to hear from me… I wish tomorrow is still Sunday, I hate Mondays really, especially nowadays… I’m kinda losing my appetite working, I’m running out of reasons why I should stay. Haha… drama again!

So what’s for today? I woke up 10am, internet surfing, picture tripping (see the blog before this? That’s it), then brunch. I was thinking of not going out, I would love to do blogging, I don’t know why words or thoughts are rushing when I’m unhappy. Yah, you read it right, I’m a bit feeling so low especially this week, I’m actually feeling at least better now, I’m in random thoughts. But don’t worry, I wont tolerate this.

I went to Robinson this afternoon, because I ran out of groceries.

And because one of my friends told me once that eating ice cream is comforting, I tried this one, though I’m not really at urge to taste one. I got DQ's chocolate Almond Blizzard.

Then just  a while ago, I finished watching two movies.

Despicable me.—that was fine.

Typhoon—an Asian Movie. That was not bad at all, I had a great time watching it though it’s quiet disheartening… I love it but I hate it, hahaha, I hope you got what I mean…. I was disappointed in some scenes, I even cried too.. haha.. in an action movie! I’m not sure if that’s truly tear jerking or I’m just sobbing for other reasons. Haha.. one of the cast also makes me remember my beloved Bi dam (Kim Nam Gil)


I woke up about 10 this morning, and I'm not in the mood to do anything but this:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

july 23, 2011

where am I today???/

Work. Met someone at SM Megamall. Dinner at Sbarro. Tambay at Powerbooks.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dine out

Just got home. Jeny and I met our x-officemate Arleen, there in SM Makati.... And i'm feeling sleepy now to say anything.. hehehe

Tnx Arleen for the Spaghetti Factory treat!.. see you again!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

for you out there:

5 things I want to tell  E.X.J.R

-I lived my life normally even before you came, and there's no reason for me not to live it again that way now that you're going to hell!!-

-I hate you, get lost!-

-Thanks for the attempt to break me, but baby you can't, coz you're only making me stronger!-

-my biggest mistake is to fall for you almost completely-

-Yesterday, seeing you makes me smile, today, i could only sigh,
 yesterday, you're voice is music to my ears, today its a noise I want to curse you
 Yesterday I liked you, today I regret knowing you!

That's it! I wish could tell you that, but I just can't, I wish in some small means you'll drop here... that's why I wouldn't keep this private as how I kept secretely those letters i wish I could give you. I know I'm being mean, forgive me if I did, I'm just hurt, if you only knew... Don't worry, i'll get through this... someday, I'll forgive you even though you got no idea how much I hate you now, someday  i'll laugh at my self I came up with such words.... just let me say those, it will at least lessen the hatred in my heart now.. I'm trying to pour them down here so soon I'll be free.

I still wish you happiness, I'm aware I shouldn't put all the blame in you... maybe I was the one to blame.... or maybe the fate. I didn't ask the stars to grant me the impossible, but i never thought you could almost break me so sudden.

Thanks for fooling around with me....for the pretensions, i wonder were all those things you said are lies.... I hope not, that somehow, you'll remember me too, that somehow, i had a space in your heart...

Goodbye now EXJR.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I hate you heart breaker!!!

Whoah! I just had my biggest heart break.. it’s the worst I find hard time dealing with it. I can’t believe my self I got so affected… I feel like a loser, its like you wanted to get weak but you just couldn’t let anyone see. You’re about to shatter but you must cover your self with disguise.

This could be a challenge to me, it would be the ultimate pretension I would ever put my self into, I have no choice but to face it. I couldn’t run away, I couldn’t hide. I couldn’t show my rage, I don’t even have the right to.

All I wanted now is the time to move fast, its the only thing that could heal this.

Surely, I will be okay.

no way you're gonna break me

You almost break me

I’m next to believing

Your eyes, finally, I know cloaked with lies

You almost got me with your disguise

Now, I can face the truth

I can go on,

 I could thank you for clearing my mind

But not for the scar you left me

It could be the deepest, and you don’t even know

You go on with your life now

I’ll go with mine…… completely

With my head still high,



Finally I got the ticket.. so glad I wasn't able to get pestered again this time as to what happened yesterday in SM Manila.

Good thing SM Makati's services is better than in Manila, or maybe I was just unfortunate yesterday, things wouldn't cooperate.

That's the good news, the bad news is, I'm not the one to watch it.. nyahaha

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Haha… yah, I’ll start this with laughing out loud. Don’t get so puzzled with the title coz I am truly doing fine.

Fine? Could that be, Ash, get a grip? Hahaha whatever.

So, as what I always do, just about to post here my today’s itinerary—on my no work day, no matter how dull this day for me.

Woke up 10 am, checked the internet, brunch out with my brother.

At about 3pm, received the money sent by a friend at ML, went straight to SM manila. Tried window shopping, but I don’t feel like buying anything, so to fulfill my main purpose there, that’s to avail Incubus concert ticket, I went to SM services. I was distressed with people on queue, I was hungry, so I decided to eat first in Sbarro.

Back to ticketing outlet, damn, I was irritated again with the poor service, something went wrong on their online transaction or stuffs like that. I don’t really understand their means of reserving the tickets. So I waited there for quite long, then I heard the attending cashier saying that their computer restarted. My head ached and so with my already aching heart (haha). I couldn’t stand that anymore, my nuisance reached its maximum, so I left.

I went out of SM Manila, only to get frustrated again, I feel sluggish now to elaborate why.. hehe.

Then I had my dinner at the nearest MCdo in my place, had some groceries too. Now I’m home.

And I'm doing fine!! hahaha... are you going to answer me now, 'who cares if you're doing fine or not??!!' hahaha... oh, dont be so cruel to a broken hearted one. hahahaha

Good night!


So, is it really over now? I'll declare yes.

I knew this would gonna happen, its breaking me, but I'm fine. I would be hypocrite, if I'll say I'm not mad at you, though I wont tell, I dont even have the right to do so.

I'm gonna get through this, even I'll see you everyday having a great time with someone else, your chances (with her) anyway is way too far away than ours.

But I hope you would stop from playing around with me, stop pretending that you like me too, so you've been really pretending all this time?? huh, are you?

I'll do my part too, i will no longer give signs that I like you too though i acted that I'm faking it, at least i saved my pride... good thing, you thought I'm unpredictable, so wouldn't really know.

you won it, the game you started, but not for long, you'll see.. I'll be fine without you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

My view almost everyday

Its been more that a year now that this very scenery (if you consider it) is what I see almost everyday, Ive done this kind of post too in my previous job, see this.

Am I tired seeing these spots? maybe a bit, hahaha.. you know i'm still at the stage of my fortune quest and im kinda stuck in here

About to cross Makati Avunue

The manila Peninsula

Few more steps... and I'm on the project site.


Today, i broke my heart again.. i was wondering, am I destined to be like this.. fall but no one is there to catch me.. i hate to admit that i'm getting corny again. haha

i just cried my heart out.. hahaha...

I expected this, i knew it will happen and surely I can handle this.

its over now.

Friday, July 15, 2011


so, did i make it???... yah, but I dont know if i did it right, its not that i'm not confident, its just that, i rushed so much I haven't examined it thouroughly.

tomorrow, i'll endorse the quantities I came up to my supervisor for the costing... wahhh... i hope I didn't forget something so necessary!

Anyway, my eyes so drained now, but its as if i'm opt to give you the update of my accomplishment recently...and pimples in my face are showing up, an evidence that i'm a bit stressed. haha

and to share this picture.

lunch out treat at Dad's Glorietta! that's eat all you can....I filled my plate with seafoods and sweet deserts .... the foods are great!.. anyway, forgive me now for I am so sleepy......... Good night!